Visit St. John’s

What to Expect when you Visit Us:

Thank you for considering St. John’s.  We are looking forward to meeting you.  As a first-time visitor you may have lots of questions about us.  The following is a little information about us.  We hope it is helpful.

When are worship services held?

Our Sunday worship services are held at 10:00am every Sunday.  In addition to our Sunday services we have classes, social events and participation in our various ministries.  Check out St. John’s Calendar for more information.

Where is Saint John’s located and where do I park?

Saint John’s Episcopal Church is just 1/2 mile west of Preston Road (State Highway 289) on FM 120 in Pottsboro, Texas. We have ample parking in front of the church. Please feel free to park where you chose! Our physical address is:

Saint John’s Episcopal Church
760 FM 120
Pottsboro, TX 75076

Phone: (903) 786-4339

Find us on Google Maps.

What is a worship service like at Saint John’s?

Our worship services are conducted in traditional Anglican fashion.  We typically have an Old Testament reading, a Psalm, a New Testament reading, and a reading from the Gospel.  The sermons each Sunday are based on the Bible readings.  Our congregation loves to sing.  And we have communion each week – all baptized Christians may take communion with us.

Do I need to be a member of Saint John’s to join in worship and other programs at the church?

You do not need to be a member of St. John’s to attend our worship services, classes or participate in any of our activities.  But much of our work is reserved for confirmed Episcopalians, such as Vestry service, lay reading and select ministries.  We encourage you to consider becoming a member of St. John’s.

How should I dress for a visit to Saint John’s?

We have no dress code at St. John’s.  Please come as you are.  You are welcome here!

Where will my children be during the service?

Children are always welcome in our worship services. For the “under 4” bunch, we provide a nursery staffed with two adults and lots of toys during the 10 a.m. service every Sunday. All children are brought to church in time to receive communion with their parents.

Will I be required to put money in the collection plate?

As a guest at St. John’s we want you to feel welcome and blessed by the experience of worshiping with us.  No monetary gift is necessary.  Any offering you may choose to share with us is entirely voluntary.

Are visitors allowed to participate in communion? How does it all work?

St. John’s prepares an open table – all baptized Christians are welcome to receive Holy Communion here.

Please wait for our ushers to approach your pew, then proceed up the center aisle to the altar rail.  Children are welcome.  When a space opens up at the rail, please feel free to take it.  You may stand or kneel at the altar rail.  If you are physically unable to approach the altar rail please let the usher know and Mother Marci will bring communion to you.

To receive the host (bread) please place one hand over the other, palms up.  The priest will place the host in your hand.  Please consume the host immediately unless you want it served to you by intinction (dipped in the wine).  We share a common cup, so when the chalice is offered to you please place your hand gently on the bottom of the chalice, tilting it up slightly so that you may easily take a sip.  If you desire intinction, please hold the host in your open palms – the chalice bearer will dip the host into the wine, then serve it to you on your tongue.  You  may then return to your seat for the post-communion prayer and a final blessing.

COVID ACCOMODATION: If you do not want to take from the Common Cup, please let us know and the communion wine will be provided to you in a separate disposable cup.

GLUTEN FREE OPTION: If you prefer a gluten free Host (bread) please let the Server know.

Would it be possible to meet with the priest?

Absolutely! Mother Marci can be contacted by calling the Parish Office at (903) 786-4339. You may also indicate your desire to meet with a priest by filling out a visitor card found in the book racks in every pew. Mother Marci considers it an honor to meet with you.