St John’s vestry is composed of from 7-13 members (the number is flexible) who are elected by the congregation annually. Each member serves for a period of 3 years. The vestry is the “governing body” of the church in that they are responsible for hiring employees and conducting the business of the church. The rector is responsible for all ecumenical activities and sits as a member of the vestry as well. Within the Vestry there is a Senior Warden (chosen by the rector as the senior advisor to the rector), the Junior Warden elected by the vestry, and a Secretary and Treasurer (often filled by non-elected volunteers and without a vote). The Junior Warden is normally asked to be responsible for the physical plant and other responsibilities are divided amongst the vestry. The vestry commonly meets once per month and presents an annual budget to the congregation for approval. Once approved, the Vestry is responsible for execution of the budget. The vestry acts as “helpers to the rector in whatever is appropriate to lay persons for the furtherance of the gospel – it being understood always that the spiritual concerns of the church are under the exclusive direction of the Rector, subject to the Ecclesiastical Authority and Canons of the Diocese”